Dirty laundry

月曜日, 4月 25, 2005

My cousin the Winner

My 7 year-old cousin can be really quite adorable at times. But irritating most of it. Just now, while I was preparing to cook instant noodles for my lunch, my cousin came back from school and excitedly told me that he had won a game. Never mind the fact that he was also munching cheezels and not offering me some when he delivered the news, he had to choose 'mian' after my grandmother asked him whether he prefered rice or noodles for lunch. Expectantly, I had to add more water to the heated wok and cook for him, conveniently using up the remaining 2 packets of noodles that I had originally planned to keep 1 for my lunch tomorrow.
However, being in a rather accommodating mood, I actually divided the noodles such that he got a larger share than mine. After he had bathed and I had polished my lunch, I watched as he struggled with the bowl of noodles that must have appeared to him like a gigantic pool of hot yellow lava. I sighed and helped him with the food by feeding him. As I was systematically feeding him with first the noodles, the egg and then the soup and back to the noodles, he continued his glorious account of him being the winner. He said he had won the rest because he got 4 points and the rest of them got like 2 or 3. I looked at him and basically tried to focus all my attention on his mouth not to absorb the conversation but to make sure that he was eating as fast as I wanted him to so that he could at least save his winning pride before I insulted it by saying "That's no big deal."
Anyway, he admitted that it was a group effort as I was really doubting his abilities since he usually takes 10 minutes to give me an answer of 16 minus 5. But as I witnessed him finishing his lunch with the capacity of an adult's portion, plus the fact that he had emptied a packet of cheezels all by himself, I am convinced that he is definitely a winner.. if he were to take part in an eating competition.

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