Dirty laundry

日曜日, 8月 13, 2006

2C Class Gathering

Imagine that time has somehow been self-frozen since year 1998 and unfreezes itself at around 8.16pm last evening. The location has changed from the RV cemented flooring and stuffy classroom to the smouldering barbeque pits outside the condominiums along Telok Blangah. In year 1996, one particular classmate had puked, literally, during one of those nauseating tests and last evening, we were making fun of his perpetual sickness symtoms during major exams. (Thank goodness, he is rather gracious about it and apparently he has done so well in his subsequent tests that he has earned a scholarship to UK...)

How nostalgic.. Intially I thought that my lower secondary school gathering would turn out to be a purely :" So what are you doing now?" kind of social exchange but it is actually more of a recap of past memories. Nevertheless, I had to repeat at least 7 times the place where I am currently working at, fortunately, to 7 different interested parties. Everyone looks the same more or less, (noone has aged at all over the past 10 years!) except maybe prettier with the help of a little cosmetics here and there.

Pretty faces aside, the German party beside our BBQ pit was also fun to watch. Apparently they were celebrating the 30th birthday of one of their vivacious and gracious friends.(I have to add more compliments to her as she has offered us 2 GERMAN meatballs, countless GERMAN sausages and GERMAN mustard.... she was so proud of her GERMAN food..the German ambassador of food should really consider hiring her..) But she was telling us that according to her culture, if a woman remains unmarried by the age of 30, it's actually a very bad thing so in an effort to console her, her friends held this party.

Well, as I was happily munching her GERMAN sausage dipped in the GERMAN mustard, I wonder, if in another 7 years time, we were to gather together again, what will be the reason of celebration. I hope that it will not be me or my (un) marital status..


Blogger mimi said...

apparently if a german guy is still single when he turns 30, it's the responsibility of his friends to find him a virgin so that he can *ahemahem...

6:34 午後  


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