Dirty laundry

火曜日, 2月 14, 2006

Cake is the love of my life. Posted by Picasa

月曜日, 2月 13, 2006

Dedicated to my tenants, Mr and Mrs P.

Happy Valentine's Day....till I get rid of you. Posted by Picasa

金曜日, 2月 03, 2006

The Spirit of Martial Arts

I watched 3 movies yesterday that invlove some forms of martial arts. The first one, Ong Bak engages Thai boxing and agility, 七剑 displays graceful Chinese sword dancing and 霍元甲 uses Jet Li styled Wushu movements. Among the three, I love the last one best. Not only do I personally think that Jet Li looks so charming in his 马褂 but also the plot has evoked strong patriotic sentiments and human relationship emotions.
From the solitary Ting in Ong Bak who wanted to single-handedly retrieve the missing Buddha head to the gang of seven swordsmen united in rescuing the innocents, the heros always seem so motivated, purposeful and righteous. On top of that, they can really fight using their fists and wits. I would gladly enrol in a martial arts school as well if I were still at a tender young age when I could be flexible enough to twist my limps about or foolish enough to endure pains all over my body without any complain. Watch out, my future son, if mummy's enthusiasm could sustain till you are born then you would be groomed as Jet Li no. 2. Unfortunately, mummy would be too old by then to be friendly with your hunky martial arts comrades..
In essence, martial arts is about, as quoted by 霍元甲, strengthening the mind, soul and body.
After a whole day of martial arts movies, my mind was definitely excited by the gungho spirit. My soul was also touched by the heroism. However, my body remained weak as the only physical task that I had managed to accomplish yesterday was to sharpen my primary school cousin's color pencils.

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