Dirty laundry

水曜日, 8月 17, 2005

Short Story no.1(hope it'll help kill your boredom, huilin)

Don't Cry for me, Papa

I had no idea when and where I was born. I guessed that it happened in summer and someplace very hot and dry. Maybe I was a premature baby and was put inside an incubator. However, one thing for sure was that I was born very hairy. So hairy that I had to toss my hair aside just to catch a glimpse of the world.

Because I was very sweet-natured, I thought the world to be a beautiful place. But I was abandoned when I was born and I could still remember those tearful eyes of my father when he left me alone in a dusty room. The room scared me as everyone else there looked exactly like me. We were all the same. We all had dark bare skins and tangled hair with knots. I was terrified of the world. The world in which more and more of my duplicates came out and occupied our increasingly cramped cabin.

However, there always seemed to be space for everyone. Every day, strangers would come and take some of us away with them. They simply had to go to the lady in white and exchanged some cash for us. After that, she would dress us up in an uniform manner. The lady had never looked at us twice, never stopped to consider if it was a fair deal, never failed to dress us all the same and never cared.

Just like the lady, the strangers were less kind than civil. I remembered once, there came a lavishly-attired woman who seemed to be vying for the best Christmas tree award. She was furiously poking me before making a face and sneered, "there's something black at the side". I was so upset and humiliated because I never knew that it was such a shameful thing to have a mole on the face.

As I was deep in the nightmarish thoughts, a thin man appeared and pointed at me. I asked myself in anticipation,"where would I be going next?" as he went to approach the lady in white. After the transaction, I soon realised that I now belonged to this man. This man that perhaps I was to call 'father'. This made me think of my own father. The one who had once cried for me before he left me to fend for myself in this horrible world.

Just as I was about to leave the place that I had known to be home since I was born, I saw my own father hard at work behind the glass. I could not believe my eyes but there he was, kneading the dough and dusting the flour on the table in which he carried out his work. I felt like screaming for him to rescue me from the thin man when I noticed the perspiration on his forehead. Then, I looked at what he was making and I finally got the answers that I yearned for all my life.

The world was indeed a horrible place. My father had never cried for me. I had foolishly mistaken those beads of sweat to be tears. Although I felt no pain, I realised that my legs were already gone. All I could see now were the rows of teeth of the thin man and a black cave. I understood how insignificant I really was and I resigned to my fate in the quest to answer my last question.

土曜日, 8月 13, 2005

Had a very heavy dinner..not good.. Posted by Picasa

火曜日, 8月 09, 2005

Rotten Core

The conscience sits at my core,
a guilt I've felt it before.
Time fails to be my mentor,
as I sink deeper into the fall.

The rope is thin and insecure,
I need to find a way to crawl.
But my nails are begging me to stop,
for they can't bear the shame of rot.

As I glance at the river below,
a fair face stared back cold.
It reminds me of Snow White at first,
but later of the apple that's cursed.

A foul heart that has been condemned,
the fate is soon coming to an end.
No prince can help to save the soul,
unless it is a heart made of gold.

土曜日, 8月 06, 2005

I want to be thin,real thin..

..so that he will be happier holding me.. And when the wind blows, I will feel light and pretty..I know that I am dark, but if I am thin, real thin, everyone will start looking at me.. And praise my owner for having such lovely hair that is so thin, real thin.

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