Dirty laundry

金曜日, 6月 10, 2005

Self Evaluation

Yesterday I went out with my cousin for the smoothiest bean curd along Rocher road. On my way to meet her, I was consciously eyeing the people around me as the local train provides little entertainment except role-play as a human statue or a clown juggling invisible balls depending on the driver's temperament. The first target got on at Buona Vista. From afar, he was kinda cute: tall, lean and with a clean cut look. However, the closer he came towards my vicinity, the more impression marks he lost from me. Really too tall, not compatible.
The second victim of my critical screening was a working executive in a purple shirt. I gave him credit for being able to pull off the risk of looking like an eggplant so high marks on that. But he immediately changed my impression of him when he lifted his foot and rubbed his socks. I didn't care to see what he was doing next as Number 2 had failed as well.
When I finally met up with my cousin, she gave me a queer look that spoke of unfathomness. "Why are you wearing a sweater?"
I answered, "Because it was drizzling." (Though beneath my sweater, beads of sweat were dripping down my back.) Then I admitted, seeing her unbelieving eyes, that I meant to wear the sweater to match my recently bought green bag. She nodded and walked on, leaving me suddenly quite self conscious and pondering. The thing is, my sweater is also green in colour and I felt like a spinach. It was then that I realise that perhaps I should spend more time on self evaluation than mentally checking on others.

火曜日, 6月 07, 2005

Beautiful Faces

Under the bright lights and big labels,
beautiful people hide their flaws.
Different colours mask their faces,
of the thousands lines that speak of war.

Beauty becomes their main attraction
and smile as the tool of communication.
Some are true affection
while others relish in superfiction.

A beautiful job as it seems,
the true pains all lie within.
But vanity is every man's dream
pursued early since we can think.

Contrast with the kids running around,
with tear-scarred faces and naughty grins.
Beauty seems to not lie with the standardized perfect model
but in the genuine happiness innocence brings.

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