Dirty laundry

金曜日, 3月 11, 2005

Sensitive Senses

I am surprised by how keen my senses are recently and this is both bad and yet beautiful. Bad because my highly picky sense of smell got me into a giddy state of revulsion when a sweat-smelling man sat beside me on the bus home today. What grossed me next is coming from my tried eyes when I saw him shaking his right crossed over left leg nonchantantly and that leg was threatening to invade my space with his every move.
Bad again when later, my ears unwilling picked up the most piercing wail from my 7 year old cousin. My sense of touch also suffered because of the sudden outbreak of pimples on my face. And that's left with taste. Well, that didn't turn out good also as I realise that pimple has a funny way of catching your attention by growing on the most weird area, this time, on my lips.
So, what is so beautiful about the senses? Not so if I only mention this 5. It's beautiful because of the 1 important sense that has prompted me into pleading with my driving tester to not fail me. And it is the 6th sense that i'm talking about here. The result: I passed my driving. Beautiful.

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